Laravel provides a suite of tools for interacting with your application’s database, but the most notable is Eloquent.
To config the database access, we need to go to config/database.php
Laravel makes it easy to define your database structure with code-driven migrations. Every new table, column, index, and key can be defined in code.
Defining Migrations
A migration is a single file that defines two things: the modifications desired when running this migration up
and the modifications desired when running this migration down
The Laravel’s default ‘create user table’ migration
1 |
method tells the migration to create a new table called users with a few fields, and down()
method tells it to drop the users table
Create a migration
There’s an Artisan command for creating a migration file.
1 | php artisan make:migration |
The command has a parameter, which is the name of the migration. For example if you want to create a ‘create users table’ migration, you can run this:
1 | php artisan make:migration create_users_table |
There are two flags we can optionally pass to this command. --create=table_name
prefills the migration with code designed to create a table named table_name
, and --table=table_name
just prefills the migration for modifications to an existing table.
1 | php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create=users |
Creating tables
In migration file, the migrations depend on the Schema
facade and its methods.
To create a new table in a migration, use the Schema
‘s create()
1 | Schema::create('table',function(Blueprint $table){ |
The first parameter is table’s name, and the second method closure that defines its columns.
Creating columns
To create new columns in a table, whether in a create table call or a modify table call, use the instance of Blueprint
that’s passed into the second closure.
1 | Schema::create('table',function(Blueprint $table){ |
Blueprint has a lot of methods for us to create different type of columns
For more details, check Laravle’s available column types
Building extra properties fluently
Most of the properties of a field definition, for example, the length are set as teh second parameter of the field creation method. We can chain more method calls after the creation of the column.
1 | Schema::table('users',function(Blueprint $table){ |
In above code, we defined a nullable column called email and this column is placed right after ‘last_name’ column.
Droping tables
1 | Schema::drop('users'); |
Modifying columns
To modify a column, just write the code we would write to create the column as if it were new, and then append a call to the change()
method after it.
So if we have a string column named name that has a length of 255 and we want to change its length to 100, this is how we would write it:
1 | Schema::table('users', function(Blueprint $table){ |
How to rename a column
1 | Schema::table('users', function(Blueprint $table){ |
How to drop a column
1 | Schema::table('users',function(Blueprint $table){ |
Adding indexes
1 | $table->primary('id'); // primary key: unnecessary if used increments() |
Note: primary()
is not necessary if you are using the increments()
od to create your index, this will automatically add a primary key index for you
Removing indexes
1 | $table->dropPrimary('id'); |
Adding and removing foreign keys
To add a foreign key that a particular column references a column on another table
1 | $table->foreign('user_id')->references('id')->on('users')->onDelete('cascade'); |
To remove foreign key
1 | $table->dropForeign(['user_id']); |
Running Migration
Once you have your migrations defined, there’s an Artisan command for running it
1 | php artisan migrate |
There are few other options in this namespace that we can work with.
1 | php artisan migrate --seed |
creates the database table the keeps track of which migrations you have and haven’t run; this is run automatically when you run your migrations
rolls back every database migration you’ve run on this install
rolls back every database migration you’ve run on this install, and then runs every migration available. It’s the same as running
and then ‘migrate’, one after another
rolls back just the migration that ran the last time you ran migrate, or, with the added option
, rolls back the number of migrations you specify.
shows a table listing every migration, with a Y or N next to each showing whether or not it has run yet in this environment
Seeding with Laravel is simple. There’s a database/seeds
folder that comes with a DatabaseSeeder
class, which has a run()
method that is called when you call the seeder.
There are two way to run the seeders: along with a migration, or separately.
1 | php artisan migrate --seed |
1 | php artisan db:seed |
Creating a Seeder
To create a seeder, user the make:seeder
Artisan command:
1 | php artisan make:seeder UsersTableSeeder |
You’ll now see a UsersTableSeeder class show up in the database/seeds
directory. Now we add it to the DatabaseSeeder
class so it will run when we run our seeders:
1 | //database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php |
Now we can edit the seeder itself. The simplest thing we can do there is manually insert a record using the DB
1 |
Model Factories
Model factories define one or more patterns for creating fake entries for our database tables. By default they’re named after an Eloquent class, but you can also just name them after the table name if you’re not going to work with Elquent.
1 | $factory->define(User::class, function(Faker\Generator $faker){ |
Creating a model factory
Model factories are defined in database/factories/ModelFactory.php
. Each factory has a name and a definition of how to create a new instance of the define class. The $factory->define()
method takes the factory name as the first parameter and a closure that’s run for each generation as the second parameter.
1 | $factory->define(User::class, function(Faker\Generator $faker){ |
Now we can user the factory()
global helper to create an instance of User
in our seeding and testing
1 | $user = factory(User::class)->create(); |
Using a model factory
There are two primary contexts in which we’ll use model factories: testing and seeding
1 | factory(User::class)->create([ |
When we’re using factory()
, it will returns the factory, and then we can run one of two methods on it: make()
or create()
Both method generate an instane of this class. The difference is that make()
creates the instance but doesn’t save it to the database, whereas create()
saves it to the database instantly.
Overwriting properties when calling a model factory
1 | factory(User::class)->create([ |
Generatin more than one instance with a model factory
1 | factory(User::class, 20)->create(); |
We will create 20 fake users in database
Defining and accessing multiple model factory types
Let say we have a customer
1 | $factory->define(Customer::class, function(Faker\Generator $faker){ |
But somethimes you need more than one factory for a class of object, for example, we need to add some customers who are VIP, we can define a second factory like this
1 | $factory->defineAs(Customer::class,'vip', function(Faker\Generator $faker){ |
Above code looks fine, right. But imagine that the customer has more than 100 columns, will you write the colunmns one by one again and agian?
Actually, we can make any given model factory extend another, and then it can just override one or a few properties. So above code could be changed to this:
1 | $factory->defineAs(Customer::class,'vip',function(Faker\Generator $faker) use ($factory) { |
Now, let;s make a specific customer type:
1 | factory(Customer::class,'vip',3)->create(); |
Query Builder
Laravel provides a fluent interface, which means by using query builder, we don’t need to pass all the relevant data into either a constructor or a method call, fluent uses method chaining to provide a simpler API to the end user.
1 | // non-fluent |
Basic Usage of the DB Facade
facade is used both for query builder chaining and for simpler raw queries.
1 | // basic statement |
It’s able to make any raw call to the database using the DB
facede and the
1 | DB::statement('SQL statement here') |
Bur there are also specific methods for varipus common actions: select()
, insert()
, update()
, delete()
. These are still raw calls, but there are differences. First, using update()
and delete()
will reutrn the number of rows affected, whereas statement()
won’t; second, with these methods it’s clearer.
Raw selects
The simplest of the specific DB
method is select()
1 | DB::select('select * from users'); |
This will return a collection of stdClass objects.
Parameter bindings and named bindings
Laravel’s database architrcture allows for the use of PDO parameter binding, which protects your queries from potential SQL attacks.
Passing a parameter to a statement is as simple as replacing the value in your statement with a ?
, then adding the value to the second parameter (array) of your call
1 | DB::select('select * from users where type = ?', ['type' => $userType]); |
Raw insert
Raw insert looks like this
1 | DB::insert('insert into contacts (name, email) values (?, ?)', |
Raw updates
Update looks like this:
1 | DB::update('update contacts set status = ? where id = ?', ['donor',$id]); |
Raw deletes
Delete looks like this:
1 | DB::delete('delete from contacts where archived = ?', [true]); |
Chaining with the query builder
The query builder makes it possible to chain methods together to build a query. At the end of the chain you’ll use some method to trigger the actual execution of the query you’ve just built.
1 | DB::table('user')->where('type',$type)->get(); |
Constraining methods
These methods take the query as it is and constrain it to return a smaller subset of possible data
Allows you to choose which columns you’re selecting:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->select('email','email2 as second_email')->get(); |
Allows you to limit the scope of what’s being returned using WHERE. By default, where()
method is that it takes three parameters: the column, the comparsion operator, and the value:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->where('created_at','>',Carbon::now()->subDay())->get(); |
However, if your comparison is =, which is the most common comparison, you can drop the second operator
1 | DB::table('contacts')->where('vip',true)->get(); |
If you want to combine where()
statements, you can either chain them after each other, or pass an array of arrays:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->where('vip',true)->where('created_at','>',Carbon::now()->subDay())->get(); |
Creates simple OR WHERE statements:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->where('vip',true)->orWhere(function($query){ |
Potential confusion with multiple where and orWhere calls
1 | DB::table('users')->where('admin',true)->orWhere('plan','premium')->where('is_plan_owner',true)->get(); |
whereBetween(colName, [low, high])
Allows you to scope a query to return only rows where a column is between two values (inclusive of the two values):
1 | DB::table('drinks')->whereBetween('size',[6,12])->get(); |
The same works for whereNotBetween()
, but it will select the inverse.
whereIn(colName, [1,2,3])
Allows you to scope a query to return only rows where a column is in an explicitly provided list of options:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->whereIn('state',['FL','GA','AL'])->get(); |
whereNull(colName) and whereNotNull(colName)
Allow you to select only rows where a given column is NULL or is NOT NULL respectively.
Allows you to pass in a raw, unescaped string to be added after WHERE statement
1 | DB::table('contacts')->whereRaw('id = 12345')->get(); |
Allows you to select only rows that, when passed into a provided subquery, return at least one row. Imagine you only want to get those users who have left at least on comment:
1 | DB::table('users')->whereExists(function($query){ |
Select the distinct rows.
Modifying methods
These methods change the way the query’s results will be output, rather than just limiting its results
Orders the result. The second parameter may be either asc (the defaullt) or desc:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->orderBy('last_name','desc')->get(); |
Groups your result by a column. Optionally, having()
and havingRaw()
allow you to filter your result based on properties of the groups.
1 | DB::table('contacts')->groupBy('city') |
and take()
Most often used for pagination, there allow you to define how many rows to return and how many to skip before starting the return, for example, a page number and a page size in a pagination system:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->skip(30)->take(10)->get(); |
Sotr by the passed column in descending (latest()
) or ascending (oldest()
) order
Sorts teh result randomly
Eending/returning methods
These methods stop the query chain and trigger the execution of the SQL query
Get all results for the built query
1 | DB::table('cotacts')->get(); |
and firstOrFail()
Get only the first result, but with a LIMIT 1 added
1 | // fails silently |
and findOrFail(id)
Like first()
, but you pass in an ID value that corresponds to the primary key to look up.
1 | DB::table('contacts')->find(1); |
Plucks just the value from a single field from the first row. Like first()
, but if you only want a single column:
1 | DB::table('contacts')->value('email') |
Returns an integer count of all the matching results
1 | DB::table('contacts')->where('vip',true)->count(); |
and max()
Return the minimun or maximum value of particular column
1 | DB::table('orders')->max('amount'); |
and avg()
Return the sum or average of all the values in a particular column
1 | DB::table('orders')->where('status','completed')->avg('amount'); |
Writing raw queries inside query builder methods with DB::raw
We’ve already seen a few custome methods for raw statements, select()
has a selectRaw()
that allows you to pass in a string for the query builder to place after the WHERE
You can also pass in the result of a DB::raw() call to almost any method in the query builder to achieve the same result.
1 | DB::table('contacts')->select(DB::raw('*,(score * 100) as integer_score'))->get() |
1 | DB::table('users') |
The join()
method creates an inner join. You can also chain together multiple joins one after another, or use leftJoin()
to get a left join.
1 | DB::table('users') |
You can union two queries together by creating them frist and the using teh union()
or unionAll()
method to union them
1 | $first = DB::table('contacts')->whereNull('first_name'); |
The insert()
method is pretty simple. Pass it an array to insert a single row or an array of arrays to insert multiple rows, and use insertGetId()
instead of insert()
to get the autoincrementing primary key ID back as a return.
1 | DB::table('users')->insert([ |
Note: when you are using insertGetId()
the parameter should not be an array of arrays.
1 | DB::table('users')->where('id',1)->update(['name' => 'hello']); |
You can also quickly increment or decrement a column’s value by using increment()
or decrement()
1 | DB::table('users')->increment('votes',5); |
1 | DB::table('users')->where('last_login','<',Carbon::now()->subYear()))->delete(); |
You can also truncate the table
1 | DB::table('users')->truncate(); |
JSON operations
If you have JSON columns, you can update or select rows based on aspects of the JSON structure by using the arrow syntax to traverse children
1 | DB::table('users')->where('options->isAdmin',true)->get(); |